fic: hc_bingo

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  • fic: Consumed (Star Trek AOS)

    thistlerose Jul 09, 2010 21:56

    Title: Consumed
    Fandom: Star Trek AOS
    Rating: Adult
    Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
    Contains: disturbing stuff (highlight to reveal) a lethal, mind-controlling parasite manipulates Jim into believing he's pregnant; involuntary (due to mind control) termination of said imagined pregnancy, including graphic description of surgery
    Notes: Many thanks to ( Read more... )

    fic: st aos: char.: mccoy, fic: 2010, fic: hc_bingo, fic: st aos: char.: spock, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: char.: kirk, fic: favorites

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  • fic: With Your Empty Smile and Your Hungry Heart (ST: TNG)

    thistlerose Jul 07, 2010 21:55

    Title: With Your Empty Smile and Your Hungry Heart
    Fandom: Star Trek TNG
    Rating: teen
    Characters: Tasha Yar
    Contains: assault, attempted rape
    Notes: 1,060 words. For hc_bingo (prompt: assault). References the episodes "Where No One Has Gone Before" (S1) and "Legacy" (S4).

    Summary: Turkana IV was going to kill her, she knew, if she didn't get out. Soon.

    She kept running. )

    fic: st tng/ds9 (star trek), fic: 2010, fic: hc_bingo

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  • fic: Come Fly With Me (ST: AOS)

    thistlerose Jun 13, 2010 11:09

    Come Fly With Me

    Fandom: Star Trek AOS
    Rating: teen
    Ship: Kirk/McCoy
    Summary: Jim keeps Bones from falling apart during a shuttle flight. Not the way you're thinking. ;)
    A/N: For hc-bingo. (Prompt: fear of flying.) 1,600 words. "Come Fly With Me" is by Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen; "To Live is To Fly" is by Townes Van Zandt.

    At least he’s not gulping down bourbon from his emergency flask, or trying to squeeze himself under the seats. )

    fic: 2010, fic: hc_bingo, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy

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  • fic: Warm Below the Storm (ST: Reboot)

    thistlerose Jun 11, 2010 22:12

    Warm Below the Storm

    Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
    Rating: teen (barely)
    Characters: Sulu (a little Sulu/Gaila, if you like)
    Summary: His rescuers are sentient cephalopods. Sulu's seen too much porn not to experience some consternation.
    A/N: For hc-bingo. (Prompt: tentacles, obviously.) 977 words.

    He was on an alien planet, wounded, and immobilized by a gelatinous cocoon. And there were *tentacles*. )

    fic: 2010, fic: hc_bingo, fic: st aos: char.: sulu, fic: st aos (star trek)

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  • (Untitled)

    thistlerose Jun 07, 2010 15:00

    To everyone who purchased earrings from my Etsy shop: they are on their way. Expect them in 2 - 3 business days. Unless you are in Australia, in which case, the woman at the post office said they should take about a week. I hope you like them.

    So, I decided to do hc_bingo. I'm reposting my bingo card so I can solicit ideas. *g*

    Because I was running out of ways to torture my beloved characters. )

    fic: hc_bingo

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